Headway Intern 2024 – Integration, Giza Systems, Cairo Egypt

Job Description

Headway Program Overview:

  • Participate in a 6-month internship program involving soft skills, Theoretical Technical Trainings and On Job Trainings.
  • Prepare a graduation presentation to a committee of technical and non-technical experts.

Integration Department Track Overview

  • Integration department offers a 6-month internship in one of the following tracks:

Front End Development

Angular: Developing web applications using Angular Framework

  • HTML and CSS / SCSS, perfect pixel/ UI, JavaScript /Typescript /Angular architecture
  • Angular CLI/ Angular Basics/Angular Forms /Angular Routing
  • Reactive programing using RxJS /Unit test using Jest
  • State management using NGRX/Creating SPA / best practices

React: Developing web applications using React Framework

  • HTML and CSS/SCSS/perfect pixel UI /JavaScript/Typescript
  • React fundamentals/React hooks/React Router
  • Redux Tool-Kit/Unit test /React Query
  • React Material UI/Build Ecommerce App

OutSystems development Track:

  • Low code development such as “OutSystems, Pega, etc…”
  • Workflow builder and business process management concepts
  • DevOps essential practices for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Agile process model

Java Development

  • Core Java and Web Development Fundamentals
  • Relational Databases and SQL
  • Spring Framework
  • Microservices Architecture
  • RESTful APIs and Swagger
  • Message Queuing with Apache Kafka
  • Spring Cloud
  • API Gateway
  • Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Testing and Debugging in a Distributed Environment
  • Security and Best Practices for Microservices

Software Integrations

  • Platform Fundamentals and Tools& Techniques: WebMethods/ IBM/ WSO2
  • Integration Development (Platform-specific with common best practices)
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging

Software Testing

  • Basics of Software Testing/Software Testing Lifecycle/Software Testing Types
  • Software Testing Levels/Regression Testing and Impact Analysis/How to size and Estimate Testing Efforts
  • Software Testing Throughout Agile environment/API Testing concepts and tools practices
  • Basics of Performance Testing with practical hands-on/Test Automation Concepts with practical hands-on
  • Mobile Testing techniques/Defects creation, Defects query & Defect life cycle (real cases on a tool like Azure DevOps )/Test Cases creation on different modules ( real cases on a tool like Azure DevOps )
  • Test Coverage/Review Requirement and design documents (static testing )
  • Testing Reporting (Sprint report, Closure report.. etc )
  • Manual testing practice on web application
  • analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Data Warehouse Track:

  • Learning Data Warehouse concepts.
  • Learning Data Modeling.
  • Learning Data Integration & ETL (Extract, Transform, Load).
  • Learning Query and Reporting.
  • Learning Business Intelligence.
  • Learning the fundamentals of Big Data Analytics.

Site Reliability Engineering

  • Agile Foundations
  • Cloud Fundamentals
  • Database Fundamentals
  • Scripting Fundamentals
  • OS Fundamentals
  • Software Engineering Fundamentals
  • Scalability and Availability
  • Automation and DevOps
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • Big Data Administration
  • SRE Observability Engineer
  • SRE Cloud Engineer
  • SRE Security Engineer

Big Data:

  • Big Data Intro
  • Spark
  • Streaming
  • Use Case

Data Governance/Data Engineering

  • Programming skills.
  • Data Warehouse concepts and the different layers of the data warehouse architecture, including the staging area, the data warehouse, and the data marts.
  • Data Modeling
  • Data Integration & ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
  • Query and Reporting
  • Business Intelligence
  • Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics

Data Science

  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Data Wrangling and Preprocessing
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Supervised Learning Algorithms
  • Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
  • Capstone Project


  • Concepts & Techniques
  • Business Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Data Quality Management
  • Data Analysis and Statistical Techniques

Scrum Master Track:

  • Scrum Principles
  • Team Facilitation
  • Agile Project Management

Product Owner Track:

  • Product Backlog Management
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Value-Driven Product Development
  • Hands-on Coaching

Product Management Track:

  • Strategic Product Planning
  • Market Analysis
  • Product Lifecycle Management
  • Mentorship from Experts.

Researcher Track:

  • Equips fresh graduates with skills and mindset for design thinking research.
  • Combines design thinking principles with research methodologies.
  • Focuses on generating innovative solutions and valuable insights.
  • Includes human-centred design approaches, user research, and qualitative/quantitative data analysis.
  • Emphasizes empathy, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and iteration.
  • Teaches qualitative research methods like interviews, observations, and user testing.
  • Introduces research methods and tools such as journey mapping, personas, and user surveys.
  • Explores digital tools for data collection, analysis, and visualization.

UX/UI Track:

  • Provides skills and knowledge for aspiring UX/UI designers.
  • Emphasizes hands-on practical exercises and real-world projects.
  • Includes user research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design principles.
  • Engages in activities like design sprints, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing.
  • Teaches industry-relevant tools and software (e.g., Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, InVision).


  • Version Control Systems
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Configuration Management
  • Containerization with Docker
  • Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Monitoring and Logging
  • Deployment and Release Management with Argo CD
  • Cloud Platforms
  • Security and Infrastructure Hardening
  • Collaboration and Communication Tools

Full Stack Developer

  • Front-End Development with React
  • Back-End Development with Spring
  • RESTful API Design
  • Database Integration with Spring Data
  • Authentication and Authorization with Spring Security
  • State Management with Redux
  • Real-Time Communication with WebSockets
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deployment and DevOps
  • Security and Performance Optimization

.NET Development

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Web Development with ASP.NET
  • Database Integration
  • Security and Authentication
  • API Development
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Message Queuing and Asynchronous Processing
  • API Gateway
  • Performance and Scalability
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deployment and DevOps

Python Development

  • Python Fundamentals
  • Django Fundamentals
  • Django Models and Database
  • Django Views and Templates
  • Django Forms and Authentication
  • Django Admin and CRUD Operations
  • Django REST Framework
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Message Queuing and Asynchronous Processing
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deployment and DevOps

Native Mobile-IOS:

  • Introduction to Swift Programming
  • Xcode IDE and Interface Builder
  • UIKit Framework
  • Auto Layout and Adaptive UI
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
  • Networking and Web Services
  • Core Data and Persistence
  • User Input and Touch Handling
  • App Store Submission and Distribution

Native Mobile- Android:

  • Java or Kotlin Programming
  • Android Studio IDE
  • Android Application Components
  • User Interface Design with XML
  • Activities and Intents
  • Recycler View and Data Binding
  • Persistent Data Storage
  • Networking and Web Services
  • Notifications and Background Processing
  • Android App Architecture
  • Google Play Store Deployment

Flutter Development:

  • Dart Programming Language
  • Flutter Development Environment
  • Flutter Widgets and Layouts
  • Navigation and Routing
  • State Management
  • Networking and Data Fetching
  • Persistence and Local Data Storage
  • Flutter and Firebase Integration
  • Platform Integration and Device APIs
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deployment and App Distribution

React Native Development:

  • Introduction to React Native
  • React Native Basics
  • Navigation in React Native
  • Networking and API Integration
  • Working with Data
  • Advanced UI Components
  • Debugging and Testing
  • Deployment
  • Performance Optimization
  • Real-world Projects

Personal Skills

  • Excellent command of English.
  • Very good communication skills.
  • Good command of Microsoft Office.
  • Exemption or completion of military service for male applicants.

Technical Skills

  • Bachelor’s of Engineering with a major in Computer Engineering or Computer Science.
  • Minimum Grade of Good in previous years.
  • Class of 2022,2023 and 2024


Bachelor’s of Engineering with a major in Computer Engineering or Computer Science.

Job Details

Job Location

Cairo, Egypt

Company Industry

System Integrator

Company Type

Employer (Private Sector)

Job Role


Employment Type


Job Division


Preferred Candidate

Career Level





Bachelor’s degree